School Meals 

Our Federation kitchen provides a full range of meals for Nursery, Infant and Junior School children. Our 3 weekly menus can be seen below or a paper copy can be requested from the school offices (the dinner menu is always the same at both schools). Menus are also emailed to parents termly.

Meals can be pre booked in advance on the Arbor app or ordered in class daily. School runs a completely cashless system so all dinner payments (except FSM & UFSM) also need to be made using our schools Arbor app. The cost of a dinner is £2.20 for nursery children and £2.50 for HJS children.

Special diets may be catered for and packed lunches can also be pre-pared for children who are joining in day visits.

Children can bring their own packed lunch but these should be healthy and contain no nuts.

Free school meals

Universal Free School Meals are provided for all infant school aged children. If your child is in Nursery or Junior school and you think they may be entitled to Free School Meals, applications can be made quickly and easily on the Shropshire Council website.


We strongly recommend that any parents of pupils with allergies or intolerances contact the school cook to arrange a meeting to discuss their specific requirements.


Packed Lunches

Your child may bring a packed lunch to school if this is preferred. We would urge parents to consider your child’s needs by providing a balanced meal within their lunchbox. Children who have too much sugar or fatty foods at lunchtime can have difficulty concentrating in the afternoon. Fizzy drinks should not be brought into school.