Celebration of PE

Competitions and Sports Reports.

At HJS, children are provided with the opportunities to participate in a variety of Sports activities within school lessons and while representing the school, in inter-games competitions. Furthermore, children play an important role as Sports Leaders where they work effectively to actively encourage other children to participate in activities at break time, who are less active. The school Sports Coach, regularly updates school notice boards. Newsletter and website to showcase children’s ongoing achievements in P.E. lessons and competitions.

During the last Academic year children at HJS children have taken part in 12 level 2 (inter-games competitions) and 9 level 1 competitions have been entered. There were 9 Level 1 (intra-games) competitions held at HJS, where the children competed against each other and earnt points for their house. The percentage of children achieving age related expectations in P.E. is as follow - Y3 84%, Y4 70%, Y5 88%, Y6 89%.

Year 6 children proudly show off their certificates to celebrate their sporting achievements.

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Children in Lower school illustrating their Athletics skills during jumping and sprinting activities in P.E. lessons.

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In KS1 and EYFS this week the children have been doing bikeability to improve their skills on bicycles.

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