Equality and Diversity


Haughmond Federation Equality Objectives and Information


At Haughmond Federation we are committed to promoting equality and eliminating discrimination.  We aim to provide an environment in which everyone involved in the school community is valued and respected.

For further information on how we are complying with the public sector Equality Duty, please click here.


Equality Targets 2022 to 2025


The governing body have set the following objectives


Objective Reasons for this objective

How we will achieve equality?

To accelerate the progress of pupils receiving pupil premium funding and ensure that the pupil premium expenditure has a positive impact on outcomes for those pupils targeted.

To reduce the gaps in attainment from 2020 in reading, writing and maths between PPG children and non-PPG children.

Averages from year 1 to 6 are


Reading  64% PPG 77% Non PPG

Writing  59% PPG 74% Non PPG

Maths  57% PPG 78% Non PPG

1:1 reading and maths interventions for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations.

Online tutoring maths interventions for disadvantaged pupils falling behind age-related expectations.

Use of itrack by Team Leaders to identify off track pupils and plan intervention.

Learning Mentor to support PPG families and pupils on overcoming barriers to achievement.  

Ensuring staff use evidence-based whole-class teaching interventions.

Catch up funding used to fund 2x extra staff that will enable pupils to catch up on lost learning (not PP spending).

To ensure the consistent teaching of Federation values with a specific focus on promoting inclusivity and diversity. 

The overwhelming majority of the pupils in our schools are White British with 92% white British and 5% white other background.  This school has 8 out of 17 possible ethnic groups. Therefore to ensure that pupils appreciate and value difference and diversity.

Recovery curriculum enables all pupils (including PP pupils) to catch up on lost learning caused by Covid19 restrictions

Delivery by all teachers of well-planned curriculum which builds on learning from KS1 to KS2.

Haughmond Federation website to chart Values provision, British Values and Diversity.

To Improve attendance for all disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND

SISN IDSR identified persistent absence for pupils with SEND was high in 18/19.

Internal termly figures also show a gap between attendance for all pupils being higher than attendance for PPG and SEND pupils

Family Support Worker to work with families on a range of home issues

Pastoral team to work with individuals and families to support with barriers to learning.

SENDCO to monitor attendance as part of ongoing monitoring

Regular meetings with the EWO and heads of schools to implement measures and action plans


Click here to see the Schools Equality Policy

Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter