Online Safety

Internet safety is very important to all at Haughmond Federation. It is vitally important that children know how to stay safe on the Internet and access age suitable resources.

New technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people in today's society, both within schools and in their lives outside school. The internet and other digital / information technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and increase awareness of context to promote effective learning.

All schools should ensure that children and young people are able to use the internet and related technologies appropriately and safely. Our school e-safety policy is designed to help ensure safe and appropriate use.

As with all risks, it is impossible to eliminate those risks completely. It is therefore essential, through good educational provision to build children's resilience to the risks to which they may be exposed, so that they have the confidence and skills to face and deal with these risks.

    The internet is crucial in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. As children go through the school their access to various types of technology increases and their exploration and curiosity increases too. The positives of the digital world overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives, but children, schools and parents all need to be aware of various online risks.   


    Please find below our schools Acceptable Use Policies (AUP's).

    The student AUP will form part of the first lesson of ICT for each year group. Each teacher in KS1 & KS2 will read and explain this to their class, then every child will sign this. A copy of the signed AUP will be displayed in the classroom. The AUP will be regularly revisited with the children so they understand the acceptable use of devices and technologies.

    Students will not be given online access or allowed to use the school devices before the AUP has been signed.




    Please click the below images for more information

    Huggy Wuggy

    Please see the link below as we have had some children talking about this character in school. 
    Huggy Wuggy is a character from Poppy Playtime a horror game for the PC. Huggy Wuggy is one of the games most popular characters, but one of the most visually disturbing characters. it is a giant, horrifying blue creature with bulging eyes, wide red lips, sharp teeth and long limbs. If he catches you in the game he eats you. This is not for children and is quite scary for them. Children may be viewing graphic materials containing this character on platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.


    We have had a few children talking about the recent programme 'Squid games.' This programme has an age restriction to 15+. Here is some information to support you and your child at home regarding this programme.

    Please click here for more information.

    Sharing photos, posting comments, playing video games -- these are just a few of the ways that children interact online, but sometimes there are risks. Learn five ways to keep your children safe on the internet.

    At Haughmond schools we use the 'Think u know' website a lot to support our teaching of Esafety. Below is a link showing short films for parents and carers to support you in delivering online safety at home. 

    For Parents - Lego Privacy and Safe Sharing Adventure

    Lego have released a new, free online safety resource for parents and their children. Called Build and Talk it's a question and answer story game to allow parents to talk to their child about digital safety and wellbeing. 

    For Parents - The Online Together Project
    For children aged 6 years and upwards, Internet Matters have created a new interactive game called The Online Together Project, which is designed to help develop critical thinking skills, and encourage a positive and inclusive culture online. Essentially it's a question and answer game, but after each answer there is supporting advice and guidance. Although aimed at home this could also potentially be used in the classroom.

    Please find documents from National Online Safety below:

    The primary concern that comes from parents is in relation to content and the inability to have much control over what their children see. YouTube (Google) have been updating some of their features over the last year these changes are very positive. To help parents understand more about these features and how to use them, Alan MacKenzie, a schools safety advisor has compiled 5 short videos (from YouTube) onto one page covering:YouTube Kids
    • Parent Allowlisting (this is a fantastic new feature).
    • Selecting content based on the age of the child.
    • How to approve what your children can watch.
    • Limiting screen time.
    Main YouTube (app/website)
    • Supervised experience (the ability to set a filtering level based on the age of the child).

    Please click the image below for more information